New Year’s Resolutions

I do not believe in New Years resolutions. I think it is crazy to evaluate yourself only once a year, resolve to do something, and then as January moves forward you forget about it.

I believe in making daily resolutions. It is important to try and improve yourself on a daily basis. That way, if you do not meet your daily resolution you have 364 other days to meet your resolution.

It is important to continue to improve yourself everyday. Only by making minor daily improvements can we look back at ourselves in 2 months and realize how much we have progressed.

For example, this year I want to dedicate more time to my health and fitness. I want to eat a better diet, go to the gym more often, and find new ways to get in my daily exercise.

In the past, I have let aches and pains stop me from working out to my full potential. However, a friend of mine has told me that I should try using some products containing CBD. Apparently, there is a lot of research to suggest that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that can be beneficial for soothing sore muscles.

My friend has even kindly sent me a Joy organics coupon code to get me started. What do you think? Have you ever used any CBD products? Let me know if so as I would love to hear your thoughts.

I suppose what I am trying to say is that you should make it your DAILY resolution to continue to learn and improve yourself. So, if you want to eat more healthily, or get in shape, there is no time like the present to get started.

One way to do that is to use the advantage of the internet to take video courses. There are plenty of healthy eating and fitness resources online. Additionally, if you want to expand your knowledge of technology, you can learn about new software using all the video course options available at

Spend New Years looking back and admiring how much you have progressed in the previous year instead of trying to figure out how you can possibly accomplish your upcoming yearly resolution. This way you can be proud of your accomplishments and have a positive attitude which will reinforce the daily resolution philosophy for the next year.