Dynamic Dreamweaver Websites: Creating and Validating Forms

Dynamic Dreamweaver Websites: Creating and Validating Forms

Work with Forms, CAPTCHA Images, and Ajax

Forms perform an essential function in modern websites, making it possible to gather information from users and validate that information. In this course from Adobe Certified Expert Candyce Mairs, you’ll learn how to create forms to email user information and validate user data using various methods of form validation including client-side, server-side, and custom validation, CAPTCHA images, and Spry validation fields. You’ll also see how to set up a PHP testing environment and  preview PHP pages in Dreamweaver. Along the way you’ll build your skills in areas like using admin consoles, commenting code, working with variables and includes, and much more.

Topics include:

– Installing XAMPP on a Windows system
– Installing MAMP on a Mac system
– Using admin consoles
– Creating PHP pages
– Commenting code
– Working with web forms
– Adding custom validation
– Using redirects
– Dealing with email issues

Author: Candyce Mairs
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 3h 34m
Released: May 19, 2011