Get Rid of Paper & Move to a PDF Workflow

Paper is a part of all of our lives whether we like it or not. Even if we try and avoid paper by switching to online bank statements, credit card bills, and all other online services, there is s till a point when we end up printing out these documents to store for ourselves. In this digital era, why can we not get rid of paper?

Part of the issue is that a completely digital workflow requires us to modify our workflow to accomodate this digital storage system. If you continue to maintain your present workflow, you will be printing many of your “online” accounts in order to store them for the future. Not only do you want to store them for taxes, but it is important to be able to easily locate and search those documents as needed in the future. That is where Adobe Acrobat and a PDF workflow can come in and completely simplify your life.

Moving to a PDF document storage workflow does require some thought in how you do things,  where you store documents, and how you organize that digital storage. Just in the last week I have had 3 different people complain about all the paper being used within their company. I hear this all the time from people in my classes as well. No where are we taught how to move to this great digital workflow, or learn how to incorporate it into our daily lives. If a transition is too difficult to do, it will not be done.

This has me thinking that a course on how to move to a digital workflow would be of great assistance to individuals and businesses. When you are close to a workflow process, it can be difficult to imagine doing it any other way than it has been done in the past. Sometimes it takes an outsider to be able to come in and make sense of it all for you. That is what this course would be designed to do.

As of now a PDF workflow course is just an idea kicking around in my head. If you have any thoughts or ideas for me, give me a shout at twitter using @cmairscreate or on facebook.